TAO-Pilipinas, Inc.
"It is time for us to go to the people rather than ask the people, especially the poor, to come to us."
TAO-Pilipinas has also worked with various local government units and national government agencies in providing technical assistance to the poor throughout the years. TAO-Pilipinas is involved with the following government agencies in some of its projects:
PCUP is a coordinative and advocacy body mandated to serve as the direct link of the urban poor to the government in policy formulation and program implementation addressed to their needs.
SHFC is the lead government agency mandated to undertake financing of social housing programs that cater to the formal and informal sectors in the low-income bracket. It is also in charge of developing and administering social housing program schemes.
PRC is the agency in charge of the professional sector. Its mandate is to administer, implement and enforce regulatory laws and policies in the practice of professionals under its jurisdiction. The PRC also undertakes the overall implementation of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs.